OPENING HOURS: Tue – Sun 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00; Mon – closed

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History of the Gallery

The Beginning


On 30 April 1933, the Mayor of Ruse engineer Yurdan Pavlov signed an act of the foundation of a permanent Gallery - Art Museum in the city. The deed of foundation states: „On this day of April 30th, 1933, after the closing of the exhibition of the following artists from Ruse: Aleksander Lazarov, Atanas Mihov, Vlado Vladimirov, Georgi Karakashev, Dimitar Diolev, Karl Matey, Kiril Stanchev, Liyben Gaydarov, Nikola Kostov, Rusi Ganchev, Todor Yankov, which took place from April 16th until April 30th of the same year in the Ruse Joiner’s School, and as a result of the initiative of the Arts and Press House chairman, Stefan Uzunov, state lawyer, the councilors and the advisers of the same house: Bizho Bizhev, headmaster of the Joiner’s School, Georgi Karakashev – artist, Dimitar Brashkovanov, Stefan Tyutev, Bozhan Vitanov, Maria and Vlado Vladimirovi, Velichko Tsonev - lawyer, Georgi Teodosiev – state lawyer, Dimitar Diolev, Aleksander Lazarov, Dimitar Radoykov – artists, Stefan Kalchev – the initiative for the establishment of a permanent art gallery – Arts Museum in the town of Ruse, we, the Mayor of the town of Ruse engineer Yordan Pavlov and the chairman of the Bulgarian school board – Pencho Popov, together with the initiators listed above, after gathering paintings and sculptures given as presents by artists and citizens, included in a list enclosed to the present deed, established a permanent gallery – Art Museum in the town of Ruse”
Changes to the gallery statutes


In 1946 the Statute of the Gallery was changed and was established People's Art Gallery in Ruse, which ``will be stored works of painters and sculptors with the high artistic value and national and manner merits.``
The fund was formed by works of Ruse artists and by the donations from citizens. The existing collection began to be filled with new works donated by the Ministry of People's Education, by the Chamber of People's Culture and by the City People's Council.
Initially it was situated in the House of Arts and Press, and a few years later was moved to the halls of the Ruse Library. Ruse Art Gallery was moved to Dohodno Zdanie - today Drama Theater ``Sava Ognyanov``.

New Home

In 1979 was relocated to the specially constructed building on the street ``Borisova`` № 39.
Now Ruse Art Gallery has a collection of 3040 works, They represent the development of Bulgarian art from the late 19th till today. Fund includes also works of the foreign artists from France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Latvia, etc.
The gallery has 2800 square meters exhibition space (ground floor and basement), divided into separate halls. This allows to maintenance of permanent exhibitions, and organizing about 30 temporary exhibitions per year. Gallery presents individual and collective exhibitions of Bulgarian and foreign authors.
Fund of the gallery

Bulgarian art 20th century

The basis of the collection is the works, which took place in 1933 in the exhibition of Ruse artists: Aleksandar Lazarov, Atanas Mihov, Vlado Vladimirov, Georgi Karakashev, Dimitar Diolev, Karl Matey, Kiril Stanchev, Lyuben Gaydarov, Nikola Kostov, Rusi Ganchev, Todor Yankov.