OPENING HOURS: Tue – Sun 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00; Mon – closed

Welcome to

Ruse Art Gallery


Ruse 7000

39 Borisova Str.

Phone +359 82 82 17 35



Tue – Sun

9.00 – 13.00

14.00 – 18.00

Mon – closed

Art Gallery – Ruse has collections with 3040 works. They present the development of Bulgarian art from the end of the 19th century to the present day, as well as works by foreign artists from France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Latvia and others.  The gallery has 2,800 sq. m. exhibition area (ground floor and basement), distributed in separate spaces, allowing the maintenance of permanent exhibitions, as well as organizing about 30 temporary exhibitions per year. Individual, collective and group exhibitions of Bulgarian and foreign artists are presented.

Ruse Art Gallery

Monthly program



1 March – 2 April, 2025 George Barber, England

Exhibition within the framework of the International Music Festival “March Music Days”

15 March – 2 April, 2025 Exhibitions from the collection of the Art Gallery – Ruse

Collection “Icons”

Bulgarian Art 20th Century

Ruse School of Painting

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    9th International Bienale

    The Art of Miniature

    Dear Artists and Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th edition of the Biennial The Art of Miniature, which will be opened on 13 October 2023. The selected works by the jury will be exhibited at the Gallery from 13 October to 13 December 2023. The Ninth Edition of the Biennial is with competitive character. The participants present works in the field of painting, sculpture, graphics, drawing and photography.

    The theme of the competition is:

    “Against the wind”

    The deadline for submitting the works is 20 September 2023.

    International Bienale ``The Art of Miniature``


    Bencho Obreshkov

    Port (detail)

    History of the Gallery

    Ruse art gallery

    For a long time it was believed that Ruse Art Gallery was founded in 1947. In 1998, however, archival documents were found that indicate the exact date of its establishment – April 30, 1933.

    Ruse art Gallery

    The Gallery Archives

    Simplicity in everyday life seen in an unusual way! A gorgeous exhibition!

    on the occasion of the exhibition "Materialization of Surrealism", Kesauri Collection

    I also take the museum space as sacred in a sense.

    Tadao Ando

    It's happening to me again after many, many years. As I watched, I was reminded that you can create anything without rules, or on your own terms.

    on the occasion of the exhibition "Materialisation of Surrealism", Kesauri Collection

    Museums are buildings where thoughts live.

    Marcel Proust

    In real museums Time becomes Space.

    Orhan Pamuk
    Dimitar Radoikov

    Evening Fare, 1911 (detail)